Contact & Staff » Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology

Contact & Staff

Postal Contact Information:

Neurodevelopmental Genetics Group
Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology
University Bonn, LIFE & BRAIN Center
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
D-53127 Bonn

Tel. +49-228-6885-500 or extension below
Fax +49-228-6885-501

 NamePositionResearch AreaPhone (ext.)
Blaess, SandraBlaess, SandraGroup Leader540
Shida, Yuko (neé Iwasaki)Shida, Yuko (neé Iwasaki)Postdoc525
Fuß, AnnekeFuß, AnnekePh.D. Student525
Meli, NorisaMeli, NorisaPh.D. Student530
Pacheco, CatarinaPacheco, CatarinaPh.D. Student530
Fahrbach, LenaFahrbach, LenaMD StudentDisease modeling; neural development528
Pliev, DanielPliev, DanielMD Student530
Siebrecht, PaulaSiebrecht, PaulaMD StudentDisease modeling; neural degeneration476

Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology

University of Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
Building 76
D-53105 Bonn/Germany

How to find us

Phone +49 (0)228 - 6885 - 500
Fax +49 (0)228 - 6885 - 501

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