Neurodevelopmental Genetics » Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology

Neurodevelopmental Genetics

Team leader: Sandra Blaess

The coordinated generation of a vast number of diverse neuronal cell types and their subsequent organization into neuronal networks during development is critical for the proper functioning of the adult brain. The Neurodevelopmental Genetics group investigates how the genetic identity of neuronal subpopulations is established during development and how the genetic identity of embryonic neuronal subtypes relates to the final location and function of these same neuronal subsets in the adult brain.

DFG (SFB 1089), iBehave, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung

Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology

University of Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1
Building 76
D-53105 Bonn/Germany

How to find us

Phone +49 (0)228 - 6885 - 500
Fax +49 (0)228 - 6885 - 501

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