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Ecstasy - Literatur

  1. McCauley JC: Deaths attributed to an "ecstasy" overdose (letter). MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 164 : 56, 1996
  2. Squier MV; Jalloh S; Hilton-Jones D; Series H: Death after ecstasy ingestion: neuropathological findings (letter). JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY, 58 :756, 1995
  3. Cook A: Ecstasy (MDMA): alerting users to the dangers. NURSING TIMES, 91:32-3, 1995
  4. Wake D:Ecstasy overdose: a case study. INTENSIVE AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING, 11 : 6-9, 1995
  5. Roberts L; Wright H:Survival following intentional massive overdose of 'Ecstasy'. JOURNAL OF ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE, 11: 53-4, 1994
  6. Steele TD; McCann UD; Ricaurte GA 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy"): pharmacology and toxicology in animals and humans. ADDICTION, 89:539-51, 1994 May
  7. Forrest AR; Galloway JH; Marsh ID; Strachan GA; Clark JC A fatal overdose with 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine derivatives.FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 64:57-9, 1994
  8. Padkin A: Treating MDMA ('Ecstasy') toxicity (letter; comment) ANAESTHESIA, 49: 259, 1994
  9. Logan AS; Stickle B; O'Keefe N; Hewitson H:Survival following 'Ecstasy' ingestion with a peak temperature of 42 degrees C (letter) ANAESTHESIA, 48: 1017-8, 1993
  10. Cregg MT; Tracey JA: Ecstasy abuse in Ireland. IRISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 86:118-20, 1993
  11. Webb C; Williams V: Ecstasy intoxication: appreciation of complications and the role of dantrolene (letter; comment) ANAESTHESIA, 48:542-3, 1993
  12. Cadier MA; Clarke JA: Ecstasy and Whizz at a rave resulting in a major burn plus complications. BURNS, 19: 239-40, 1993
  13. Larner AJ: Dantrolene and 'ecstasy' overdose (letter; comment) ANAESTHESIA, 48: 179-80, 1993
  14. Tehan B: Ecstasy and dantrolene (letter; comment) BMJ, 306: 146, 1993
  15. Campkin NJ; Davies UM: Treatment of 'ecstasy' overdose with dantrolene (letter; comment) ANAESTHESIA, 48: 82-3, 1993
  16. Tehan B; Hardern R; Bodenham A:Hyperthermia associated with 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine ('Eve'). ANAESTHESIA, 48:507-10, 1993
  17. Bedford Russell AR; Schwartz RH; Dawling S:Accidental ingestion of 'Ecstasy' (3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine). ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD, 67:1114-5, 1992
  18. Henry JA; Jeffreys KJ; Dawling S: Toxicity and deaths from 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy") (see comments). LANCET, 340:384-7, 1992
  19. Sternbach GL; Varon J: 'Designer drugs'. Recognizing and managing their toxic effects. POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE, 91:169-71, 175-6,1992
  20. Chadwick IS; Curry PD; Linsley A; Freemont AJ; Doran B:Ecstasy, 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a fatality associated with coagulopathy and hyperthermia (see comments)JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE, 84:371, 1991
  21. Verebey K; Alrazi J; Jaffe JH: The complications of 'ecstasy' (MDMA) (letter) JAMA, 259:1649-50, 1988
  22. Brown C; Osterloh J: Multiple severe complications from recreational ingestion of MDMA ('Ecstasy') (letter). JAMA, 258: 780-1, 1987
  23. Smilkstein MJ; Smolinske SC; Rumack BH:A case of MAO inhibitor/MDMA interaction: agony after ecstasy. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, 25:149-59, 1987
  24. Climko RP; Roehrich H; Sweeney DR; Al-Razi J: Ecstacy: a review of MDMA and MDA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE, 16:359-72, 1986-87
  25. Siegel RK: MDMA. Nonmedical use and intoxication.JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, 18:349-54, 1986
  26. v. Wilmsdorff M; Gastpar M: Hirnleistungsstörungen nach Einnahme von "Ecstasy" ? DEUTSCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT, 120: 1716, 1995
  27. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Sherlock K, Conner M: Contents of "ecstasy" Lancet 346: 1100-1101, 1995


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